Demystifying delayed aesthetic evaluation: Part 2

data visualization ggplot2 tutorial

Exposing the Stat ggproto in functional programming terms

June Choe (University of Pennsylvania Linguistics)

This is a developing series of blog posts, scheduled for three parts:


Let’s pick up where we left off in Part 1. If you’d like to follow along without going back to re-read it, the relevant code that we’ll carry over here is provided below:

Setup from Part 1
# Top-level setup


# Custom function to inspect `after_stat()`
inspect_after_stat <- function(p, i = 1L) {
  ._env <- environment()
  .out <- NULL
      what = "ggplot_build.ggplot",
      tracer = substitute(assign(".out", data[[i]], envir = ._env), ._env),
      at = 19L,
      print = FALSE,
      where = asNamespace("ggplot2")
    untrace("ggplot_build.ggplot", where = asNamespace("ggplot2"))

To recap, the big theme of Part 1 was about how each layer of a ggplot transforms the raw data under the hood to make it “drawing ready” (i.e., the dataframe returned by layer_data()). We saw that a lot happens over the course of this data transformation pipeline, one of which is the statistical transformation step. For example, the geom_bar() layer uses stat = "count" (shorthand for stat = StatCount) by default, which computes new variables like count and prop internally.

We also saw how after_stat() allows users to declare a delayed aesthetic mapping, which waits to be applied until after this statistical transformation step. For example, the StatCount stat used by geom_bar() specifies the default implicit mapping to after_stat(count).

Objects like StatCount are called ggproto objects, and they’re the focus of this Part 2 of the series. We’ll be digging into the implementational details of the internal statistical transformation step. Along the way, we’ll encounter some funny looking functions in the form of <obj>$<method>(). These are called ggproto methods - they look pretty scary, but needlessly so for our purposes: aside from their odd syntax, most of them are essentially just data wrangling functions that we’re already familiar with.

Let’s dive right in!

Where it all happens: Stat$compute_layer()

Let’s again use the penguins dataset and visualize penguin species counts with geom_bar(). This time we’ll also give the bars width = 0.7 and facet by island:

p_bar2 <- ggplot(penguins, aes(x = species)) +
  geom_bar(width = 0.7) +
  facet_wrap(~ island)

As expected, geom_bar() maps the internally computed count variable to the y aesthetic by default. We suspect that something like {dplyr}’s group_by() and summarize() (or just count()) is happening in the statistical transformation stage:

penguins %>% 
  group_by(island, species) %>% 
  summarize(count = n(), .groups = "drop")
  # A tibble: 5 × 3
    island    species   count
    <fct>     <fct>     <int>
  1 Biscoe    Adelie       44
  2 Biscoe    Gentoo      124
  3 Dream     Adelie       56
  4 Dream     Chinstrap    68
  5 Torgersen Adelie       52

In Part 1, I introduced this mystery function called inspect_after_stat() to show you that this is indeed the case:

    count prop x width flipped_aes PANEL group
  1    44    1 1   0.7       FALSE     1     1
  2   124    1 3   0.7       FALSE     1     3
  3    56    1 1   0.7       FALSE     2     1
  4    68    1 2   0.7       FALSE     2     2
  5    52    1 1   0.7       FALSE     3     1

Now it’s time to unveil the mystery behind this function - inspect_after_stat() was grabbing the return value of the ggproto method Stat$compute_layer() when it was called for the first layer of our plot.1

Using the function ggtrace_inspect_return() from my package {ggtrace}, we can achieve this more explicitly. We pass the function our plot and the ggproto method we want to inspect, and it gives us what the method returned:

# install.packages("remotes")
# remotes::install_github("yjunechoe/ggtrace")
compute_layer_output <- ggtrace_inspect_return(p_bar2, Stat$compute_layer)
    count prop x width flipped_aes PANEL group
  1    44    1 1   0.7       FALSE     1     1
  2   124    1 3   0.7       FALSE     1     3
  3    56    1 1   0.7       FALSE     2     1
  4    68    1 2   0.7       FALSE     2     2
  5    52    1 1   0.7       FALSE     3     1

If ggproto methods are essentially functions, they should have inputs and outputs. We just saw the output of Stat$compute_layer(), but what’s its input?

We can simply swap out ggtrace_inspect_return() with ggtrace_inspect_args() to look at the arguments that it was called with:

compute_layer_input <- ggtrace_inspect_args(p_bar2, Stat$compute_layer)
names( compute_layer_input )
  [1] "self"   "data"   "params" "layout"

We can ignore the self and layout arguments for the moment. The crucial ones are the data and params arguments, which look like this:

  [1] 0.7
  [1] FALSE
  [1] NA
  [1] FALSE

Remember how I said ggproto methods are essentially data wrangling functions? We can think of Stat$compute_layer() as a function that takes a dataframe and a list of parameters, and does a simple data wrangling after grouping by the PANEL and group columns:

compute_layer_fn <- function(data, params) {
  data %>% 
    group_by(PANEL, group) %>% 
      count = n(),
      x = unique(x),
      width = params$width,
      flipped_aes = params$flipped_aes,
      .groups = 'drop'
    ) %>% 
    relocate(PANEL, group, .after = last_col())

This gets us the a dataframe that’s very similar to the output of Stat$compute_layer():

compute_layer_fn(compute_layer_input$data, compute_layer_input$params)
  # A tibble: 5 × 6
    count     x width flipped_aes PANEL group
    <int> <int> <dbl> <lgl>       <fct> <int>
  1    44     1   0.7 FALSE       1         1
  2   124     3   0.7 FALSE       1         3
  3    56     1   0.7 FALSE       2         1
  4    68     2   0.7 FALSE       2         2
  5    52     1   0.7 FALSE       3         1

So we see that the Stat$compute_layer() method was the step in the internals responsible for calculating the statistical summaries necessary to draw our bar layer.

But there’s a catch - the way that the method is written doesn’t directly reflect this. Nothing about the code for Stat$compute_layer() says anything about counting:

  function (self, data, params, layout) 
      check_required_aesthetics(self$required_aes, c(names(data), 
          names(params)), snake_class(self))
      required_aes <- intersect(names(data), unlist(strsplit(self$required_aes, 
          "|", fixed = TRUE)))
      data <- remove_missing(data, params$na.rm, c(required_aes, 
          self$non_missing_aes), snake_class(self), finite = TRUE)
      params <- params[intersect(names(params), self$parameters())]
      args <- c(list(data = quote(data), scales = quote(scales)), 
      dapply(data, "PANEL", function(data) {
          scales <- layout$get_scales(data$PANEL[1])
          tryCatch($compute_panel, args), error = function(e) {
              warn(glue("Computation failed in `{snake_class(self)}()`:\n{e$message}"))
  <bytecode: 0x000002e49ae09aa0>
  <environment: namespace:ggplot2>

Where’s the relevant calculation actually happening? For that, we need to go deeper.

Where it specifically happens: StatCount$compute_group()

The actual calculation of counts for the bar layer happens inside another ggproto method called StatCount$compute_group():

  function (self, data, scales, width = NULL, flipped_aes = FALSE) 
      data <- flip_data(data, flipped_aes)
      x <- data$x
      weight <- data$weight %||% rep(1, length(x))
      count <- as.numeric(tapply(weight, x, sum, na.rm = TRUE))
      count[] <- 0
      bars <- new_data_frame(list(count = count, prop = count/sum(abs(count)), 
          x = sort(unique(x)), width = width, flipped_aes = flipped_aes), 
          n = length(count))
      flip_data(bars, flipped_aes)
  <bytecode: 0x000002e49b824e38>
  <environment: namespace:ggplot2>

We don’t need to dwell on trying to understand the code - let’s dive straight in with the same ggtrace::ggtrace_inspect_*() functions.

We see that the return value is actually just one row of the return value of Stat$compute_layer() that we saw earlier, minus the PANEL and group columns:2

ggtrace_inspect_return(p_bar2, StatCount$compute_group)
    count prop x width flipped_aes
  1    44    1 1   0.7       FALSE

As the name suggests, $compute_group() is called for each group (in this case, bar) in the geom_bar() layer. The method is called after the layer’s data is split by facet and group, much like how we used group_by(PANEL, group) to simulate compute_layer_fn() above.

Using ggtrace_inspect_n() which returns how many times a ggproto method was called in a plot, we confirm that StatCount$compute_group() was indeed called five times, once for each bar in the plot:

ggtrace_inspect_n(p_bar2, StatCount$compute_group)
  [1] 5

And we can (mostly) recover the output of Stat$compute_layer() by combining the return values from StatCount$compute_group(), all five times it’s called for the layer. The cond argument here lets us target the nth time the method is called:

  ggtrace_inspect_return(p_bar2, StatCount$compute_group, cond = 1),
  ggtrace_inspect_return(p_bar2, StatCount$compute_group, cond = 2),
  ggtrace_inspect_return(p_bar2, StatCount$compute_group, cond = 3),
  ggtrace_inspect_return(p_bar2, StatCount$compute_group, cond = 4),
  ggtrace_inspect_return(p_bar2, StatCount$compute_group, cond = 5)
    count prop x width flipped_aes
  1    44    1 1   0.7       FALSE
  2   124    1 3   0.7       FALSE
  3    56    1 1   0.7       FALSE
  4    68    1 2   0.7       FALSE
  5    52    1 1   0.7       FALSE

So we get a sense that Stat$compute_layer() simply splits the layer’s data by panel and group, while StatCount$compute_group() does the heavy lifting.

But what’s the relationship between these two ggproto methods? How does Stat$compute_layer() know to use StatCount$compute_group()?

Long story short, the statistical transformation step for geom_bar() is actually ALL about StatCount. So Stat$compute_layer() is essentially StatCount$compute_layer(), but also kind of not.

To understand this distinction fully, we need a slight detour into the world of ggproto.

ggproto, minus the “gg” and the “proto”

There are existing resources for learning how ggproto works, such as Chapter 20 of the ggplot2 book, so I won’t repeat all the details here. In fact, if you’re already familiar with object-oriented programming, the book chapter has all you need. But you’re like me and found it overwhelming at first, then this is for you!

On notations and conventions

My conventions

In this blog post, I’ll refer to ggproto methods like $method() to distinguish it from normal functions. I’ll refer to properties (non-function elements of ggproto objects) like $property to distinguish it from variables.

Also, whenever I’m printing ggproto methods, I’m actually using get("method", object) behind the scenes. I do this to bring attention to the method body - printing ggproto methods as-is comes with extra baggage that distracts from the topic of this blog post. Just be aware of this when you go exploring ggproto methods yourself:

# This just prints the method body
get("setup_data", Stat)
  function (data, params) 
  <bytecode: 0x000002e49adde200>
  <environment: namespace:ggplot2>
# Prints extra stuff we don't care about
# - see: `ggplot2:::format.ggproto_method`
  <ggproto method>
    <Wrapper function>
      function (...) 
    <Inner function (f)>
      function (data, params) 

{ggplot2} conventions

You might have noticed how ggproto objects are written in upper camel case like StatCount. This is by convention, but they’re very important to know and follow. The upper camel case convention for ggproto objects is closely related to two other conventions:

Relatedly, note how variable names like StatCount match the class name class(StatCount)[1]:

  [1] "StatCount"

This is also by convention and it’s useful for figuring out what specific Stat/Geom/Position a layer uses:

class( geom_bar()$stat )[1]      # uses `StatCount` ggproto
  [1] "StatCount"
class( geom_bar()$geom )[1]      # uses `GeomBar` ggproto
  [1] "GeomBar"
class( geom_bar()$position )[1]  # uses `PositionStack` ggproto
  [1] "PositionStack"

When we distill it down to the very basics, ggprotos are essentially lists, and ggproto methods are essentially functions. For our purposes, the only truly new concept you need to know about ggproto methods is that they’re functions that live inside lists.

So StatCount$compute_group() calls the $compute_group() function defined inside a list called StatCount, kind of like this:

# Not run
StatCount <- list(
  compute_group = function(...) { ... },

And Stat$compute_layer() calls the $compute_layer() function defined inside a list called Stat:

# Not run
Stat <- list(
  compute_layer = function(...) { ... },

The reason why the layer-level statistical transformation for geom_bar() was handled by Stat$compute_layer() and not StatCount$compute_layer() is just by technicality. In fact, StatCount$compute_layer() does “exist”:

  function (self, data, params, layout) 
      check_required_aesthetics(self$required_aes, c(names(data), 
          names(params)), snake_class(self))
      required_aes <- intersect(names(data), unlist(strsplit(self$required_aes, 
          "|", fixed = TRUE)))
      data <- remove_missing(data, params$na.rm, c(required_aes, 
          self$non_missing_aes), snake_class(self), finite = TRUE)
      params <- params[intersect(names(params), self$parameters())]
      args <- c(list(data = quote(data), scales = quote(scales)), 
      dapply(data, "PANEL", function(data) {
          scales <- layout$get_scales(data$PANEL[1])
          tryCatch($compute_panel, args), error = function(e) {
              warn(glue("Computation failed in `{snake_class(self)}()`:\n{e$message}"))
  <bytecode: 0x000002e49ae09aa0>
  <environment: namespace:ggplot2>

But only in a very specific sense - it just recycles the $compute_layer() function defined in Stat, similar to in this implementation:

# Not run
StatCount <- list(
  compute_group = function() { ... },
  compute_layer = Stat$compute_layer,

In object-orientated programming terms, this is called inheritance - the StatCount ggproto is a child of the parent Stat ggproto that inherits some of the parent’s methods (like $compute_layer()) while overriding and defining some of its own (like $compute_group()).

A note on class inheritance

Class inheritance is reflected in the output of class(), where order of elements matter:

  [1] "Stat"    "ggproto" "gg"
class(StatCount) # see also: `inherits(StatCount, "Stat")`
  [1] "StatCount" "Stat"      "ggproto"   "gg"

By design, all Stat* ggprotos inherit from the top-level parent Stat ggproto. For example, the geom_boxplot() layer uses StatBoxplot for its stat, which also inherits from Stat:

class( geom_boxplot()$stat ) # or `class(StatBoxplot)`
  [1] "StatBoxplot" "Stat"        "ggproto"     "gg"

Sometimes, an inheritance chain can be more complex - for example, StatDensity2dFilled inherits from StatDensity2d, which in turn inherits from Stat:

class( StatDensity2dFilled )
  [1] "StatDensity2dFilled" "StatDensity2d"       "Stat"               
  [4] "ggproto"             "gg"

But what’s the point of all this? Why do we bother with these clunky ggproto objects instead of having a single function that does all bar-related things, all boxplot-related things, etc.?

Templates and extensions

The rationale behind this inheritance-based design is that the top-level Stat ggproto serves as a template that’s meant to be filled and customized.

Another term for this customization is extension - for example, we say that StatCount is an extension of Stat. This is what’s technically meant by “ggplot2 extension packages” - these packages provide new Stat* or Geom* ggproto objects (like ggforce::StatSina and ggtext::GeomRichtext) that are extensions of the top-level Stat and Geom ggprotos.

Since Stat is essentially a list and extensions are essentially a way of customizing certain elements of a template, each element of Stat can be thought of as a possible extension point:

   [1] "compute_layer"   "parameters"      "aesthetics"      "setup_data"     
   [5] "retransform"     "optional_aes"    "non_missing_aes" "default_aes"    
   [9] "finish_layer"    "compute_panel"   "extra_params"    "compute_group"  
  [13] "required_aes"    "setup_params"

Some extension points are “methods” (functions) and others are “properties” (non-functions):

sapply(Stat, class)
    compute_layer      parameters      aesthetics      setup_data     retransform 
       "function"      "function"      "function"      "function"       "logical" 
     optional_aes non_missing_aes     default_aes    finish_layer   compute_panel 
      "character"     "character"        "uneval"      "function"      "function" 
     extra_params   compute_group    required_aes    setup_params 
      "character"      "function"     "character"      "function"

If you want to know what each of these methods and properties are for, you can read up on the package vignette on ggproto. But we don’t need to know every detail - only a handful are productive extension points.

Below are a few examples of specific Stat* extensions (e.g., StatCount) and information about what methods/properties they modify from the top-level Stat ggproto:

Try to get a feel for what kind of methods and properties are the common targets of extensions. Pay specific attention to the distribution of methods highlighted in green.


  [1] "aesthetics"      "compute_layer"   "compute_panel"   "finish_layer"   
  [5] "non_missing_aes" "optional_aes"    "parameters"      "retransform"    
  [9] "setup_data"     
  [1] "compute_group" "default_aes"   "extra_params"  "required_aes" 
  [5] "setup_params"


  [1] "aesthetics"    "compute_layer" "compute_panel" "default_aes"  
  [5] "finish_layer"  "optional_aes"  "parameters"    "retransform"  
  [1] "compute_group"   "extra_params"    "non_missing_aes" "required_aes"   
  [5] "setup_data"      "setup_params"


  [1] "aesthetics"      "compute_layer"   "compute_panel"   "finish_layer"   
  [5] "non_missing_aes" "optional_aes"    "parameters"      "retransform"    
  [9] "setup_data"     
  [1] "compute_group" "default_aes"   "extra_params"  "required_aes" 
  [5] "setup_params"


   [1] "aesthetics"      "compute_layer"   "compute_panel"   "default_aes"    
   [5] "finish_layer"    "non_missing_aes" "optional_aes"    "parameters"     
   [9] "retransform"     "setup_data"     
  [1] "compute_group" "extra_params"  "required_aes"  "setup_params"


  [1] "aesthetics"      "compute_layer"   "compute_panel"   "finish_layer"   
  [5] "non_missing_aes" "optional_aes"    "parameters"      "retransform"    
  [9] "setup_data"     
  [1] "compute_group" "default_aes"   "extra_params"  "required_aes" 
  [5] "setup_params"


   [1] "aesthetics"      "compute_layer"   "compute_panel"   "extra_params"   
   [5] "finish_layer"    "non_missing_aes" "optional_aes"    "parameters"     
   [9] "retransform"     "setup_data"     
  [1] "compute_group" "default_aes"   "required_aes"  "setup_params"

Did you notice how all these Stat* extensions define their own $compute_group() method while inheriting the $compute_layer() and $compute_panel() methods from the parent stat? This is the intended design - check out how Stat$compute_group() is defined:

  function (self, data, scales) 
      abort("Not implemented")
  <bytecode: 0x000002e49ae09838>
  <environment: namespace:ggplot2>

And this is what I mean by “the top-level Stat ggproto is a template”. The Stat provides an infrastructure that splits the data up by layer (Stat$compute_layer()) and panel (Stat$compute_panel()), but leaves it to the child Stat* ggprotos to fill in the details about what statistical summaries are computed by group, after this splitting takes place.

How are Stat$compute_layer() and Stat$compute_panel() implemented?

In $compute_layer(), the data is split by values of the PANEL column using an internal function ggplot2:::dapply(), and $compute_panel() is called on each split.

  function (self, data, params, layout) 
      check_required_aesthetics(self$required_aes, c(names(data), 
          names(params)), snake_class(self))
      required_aes <- intersect(names(data), unlist(strsplit(self$required_aes, 
          "|", fixed = TRUE)))
      data <- remove_missing(data, params$na.rm, c(required_aes, 
          self$non_missing_aes), snake_class(self), finite = TRUE)
      params <- params[intersect(names(params), self$parameters())]
      args <- c(list(data = quote(data), scales = quote(scales)), 
      dapply(data, "PANEL", function(data) {
          scales <- layout$get_scales(data$PANEL[1])
          tryCatch($compute_panel, args), error = function(e) {
              warn(glue("Computation failed in `{snake_class(self)}()`:\n{e$message}"))
  <bytecode: 0x000002e49ae09aa0>
  <environment: namespace:ggplot2>

In $compute_panel(), the data is first split by values of the group column using the split() function, then $compute_group() is called on each split inside lapply().

  function (self, data, scales, ...) 
      if (empty(data)) 
      groups <- split(data, data$group)
      stats <- lapply(groups, function(group) {
          self$compute_group(data = group, scales = scales, ...)
      stats <- mapply(function(new, old) {
          if (empty(new)) 
          unique <- uniquecols(old)
          missing <- !(names(unique) %in% names(new))
          cbind(new, unique[rep(1, nrow(new)), missing, drop = FALSE])
      }, stats, groups, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  <bytecode: 0x000002e49ade76f0>
  <environment: namespace:ggplot2>

These two methods are implemented slightly differently, though the exact details are not relevant to the current discussion.3

Lastly, a note about self. The self variable is a reference to the ggproto object that called the method.4 In the context of p_bar2, the self is StatCount:

class( ggtrace_inspect_args(p_bar2, Stat$compute_layer)$self )
  [1] "StatCount" "Stat"      "ggproto"   "gg"

This may be surprising given how $compute_layer() lives inside Stat, not StatCount. This is an odd thing about object oriented programming with ggproto that you’ll have to get used to. Just remember that the choice of the ggproto object is determined by the layer (e.g., stored in geom_bar()$stat) and that the self variable keeps track of which ggproto object called a method (context-dependent); but all of this is separate from the issue of where a method is defined in (context-independent).

In other words, self is StatCount because the method $compute_layer() is “looked up” by StatCount. The fact that the actual $compute_layer() method is defined inside Stat$compute_layer() is irrelevant here (though it may be relevant for other purposes).

In the next section, we’ll look at how the $compute_*() family of methods behave in the internals.

Wait - what about the other common extension points?

You might have also noticed a few more repeated extension points other than $compute_group(). They usually form some subset of $default_aes, $required_aes, $setup_data(), $setup_params(), and $extra_params. These are also like a family - their job is to prepare the layer’s data before it’s sent off to the $compute_*() family of methods.

For example, here’s a walkthrough of how StatCount prepares the data:

First, the default aesthetic mappings are specified such that both x and y are mapped to after_stat(count):

# or `geom_bar()$stat$default_aes`
  Aesthetic mapping: 
  * `x`      -> `after_stat(count)`
  * `y`      -> `after_stat(count)`
  * `weight` -> 1

Second, the required aesthetic mappings are specified such that exactly one of x or y must be provided:

# or `geom_bar()$stat$required_aes`
  [1] "x|y"

By requiring the user to supply one of the two aesthetics, the one left over takes on the “implicit” value of after_stat(count). This is largely handled in StatCount$setup_params():

# Lots of code here but it does 3 things:
# 1) Check if user supplied `y`, not `x` (+ track this in `flipped_aes`)
# 2) Make sure user supplied exactly one of `x` or `y`
# 3) If `flipped_aes` (= `y` is supplied), pretend that it's `x` but
#    keep that for later (reverted in `StatCount$compute_group()`)
  function (data, params) 
      params$flipped_aes <- has_flipped_aes(data, params, main_is_orthogonal = FALSE)
      has_x <- !(is.null(data$x) && is.null(params$x))
      has_y <- !(is.null(data$y) && is.null(params$y))
      if (!has_x && !has_y) {
          abort("stat_count() requires an x or y aesthetic.")
      if (has_x && has_y) {
          abort("stat_count() can only have an x or y aesthetic.")
      if (is.null(params$width)) {
          x <- if (params$flipped_aes) 
          else "x"
          params$width <- resolution(data[[x]]) * 0.9
  <bytecode: 0x000002e49b8212e8>
  <environment: namespace:ggplot2>

Lastly, the role of $extra_params is kind of weird, but in this case it simply says that StatCount has support for handling different orientations (which gets standardized to flipped_aes internally).

  [1] "na.rm"
  [1] "na.rm"       "orientation"

In case you didn’t know already, orientation is a relatively new (v3.3.0) argument supported by some layers. It’s allows individual layers to be “flipped” without applying coord_flip() to the whole plot:

ggplot(mapping = aes(x = 2, y = 3)) +
  geom_col(fill = "pink") +
  geom_col(fill = "steelblue", orientation = "y") +
  xlim(0, 3) + ylim(0, 4)

The $compute_*() family of methods

Here, let’s look at how the statistical transformation is implemented in the $compute_*() family of methods. The p_bar2 ggplot is printed again below.


The geom_bar() layer in our plot computes and draws five bars across three panels. This is reflected in the number of calls to the $compute_*() methods:

ggtrace_inspect_n(p_bar2, Stat$compute_layer)
  [1] 1
ggtrace_inspect_n(p_bar2, Stat$compute_panel)
  [1] 3
ggtrace_inspect_n(p_bar2, StatCount$compute_group)
  [1] 5

Keep in mind that there’s a hierarchy to how the $compute_*() functions are called:

  |---  Stat$compute_panel()
        |---  StatCount$compute_group()
        |---  StatCount$compute_group()
  |---  Stat$compute_panel()
        |---  StatCount$compute_group()
        |---  StatCount$compute_group()
  |---  Stat$compute_panel()
        |---  StatCount$compute_group()

The $compute_*() family of functions implement what’s called a split-apply-combine design. If you haven’t heard of it before, it’s basically like the “divide and conquer” strategy: you break down the problem to the smallest, most essential pieces, work on them individually, then bring them together into one solution.

Play around with the expandable nested tables below to get a sense of what kind of information is passed down to the $compute_group() method, and what each $compute_group() call returns for the bar layer in our plot:

1) Split

The $compute_layer() method first splits up the data by facet and passes them down to $compute_panel(). Then, the $compute_panel() method splits up the data by group and passes them down to $compute_group().

2) Apply

The $compute_group() method applies to each of the splits and returns a modified data:

3) Combine

The output of $compute_group() calls are combined by panel and returned by $compute_panel(), then combined again and returned by $compute_layer():

The layer’s data frame representation

Remember how I said that the output of Stat$compute_layer() for our geom_bar() layer is the dataframe representation of the layer at a particular stage in the pipeline? If this dataframe representation were to change, then it would affect how the layer gets drawn down the line.

We saw how Stat* extensions do this by changing how a ggproto method is defined (namely, via $compute_group()). But we can also test this on-the-fly as well, without writing a whole ggproto extension ourselves.

For example, we can modify the output of Stat$compute_layer() that we grabbed with ggtrace_inspect_return() before and save it to a new variable:

modified_compute_layer_output <- compute_layer_output %>% 
  mutate(count = count ^ 2) #< square the counts

    count prop x width flipped_aes PANEL group
  1  1936    1 1   0.7       FALSE     1     1
  2 15376    1 3   0.7       FALSE     1     3
  3  3136    1 1   0.7       FALSE     2     1
  4  4624    1 2   0.7       FALSE     2     2
  5  2704    1 1   0.7       FALSE     3     1

Then, we force Stat$compute_layer() to return that modified dataframe instead when it’s called for p_bar2, by passing it to the value argument of ggtrace_highjack_return():

  p_bar2, Stat$compute_layer,
  value = modified_compute_layer_output

See how this has direct consequences for our plot?

Here’s another one - we can modify the dataframe about to be returned by StatCount$compute_group(), targeting just the third time it’s called, with cond = 3. This time we do the modification in place by passing an expression to the value argument, where returnValue() evaluates to the value about to be returned by the method:

  p_bar2, StatCount$compute_group, cond = 3,
  value = quote({
    returnValue() %>% 
      mutate(count = count ^ 2)

Again, a big consequence for the plot down the line.

The lesson here is that the dataframe representation of the layer undergoes incremental updates in the internals, gradually working up to its final drawing-ready form that we can see using layer_data().

      y count prop x flipped_aes PANEL group ymin ymax xmin xmax colour   fill
  1  44    44    1 1       FALSE     1     1    0   44 0.65 1.35     NA grey35
  2 124   124    1 3       FALSE     1     3    0  124 2.65 3.35     NA grey35
  3  56    56    1 1       FALSE     2     1    0   56 0.65 1.35     NA grey35
  4  68    68    1 2       FALSE     2     2    0   68 1.65 2.35     NA grey35
  5  52    52    1 1       FALSE     3     1    0   52 0.65 1.35     NA grey35
    size linetype alpha
  1  0.5        1    NA
  2  0.5        1    NA
  3  0.5        1    NA
  4  0.5        1    NA
  5  0.5        1    NA

In this sense, ggproto methods are like functions that intervene at different steps of what is essentially a data wrangling pipeline, making piecemeal changes to the layer data. Consequently, the work of a single ggproto method can have far reaching consequences for the plot down the line.

I promise this is the end of the {ggtrace} self-promo, but I encourage you to play around with the internals using the workflow functions from the package - it can help refine your intuitions about how ggplot internals work, with low barrier and no risk. Check out the package website if you’d like to know more.

Other $compute_*() extensions

Before we wrap up, I have to come clean - I’ve actually been misleading you in instilling this divide between $compute_layer() and $compute_panel() on one hand, and $compute_group() on the other. Of course, $compute_group() is the most natural extension point, but nothing stops you from doing the necessary calculations in $compute_layer() or $compute_panel() instead.

In fact, there are several circumstances where you don’t want to do things at the group level:

The first reason is for efficiency. Consider the case of geom_point() - it’s a layer that draws points from x and y values, as is. The stat ggproto for this layer is StatIdentity, and all it does in the $compute_*() step is to return the data as it received it.

class( geom_point()$stat )
  [1] "StatIdentity" "Stat"         "ggproto"      "gg"

One way of implementing this is to define a StatIdentity$compute_group() that just returns data, but this is unnecessarily complex - you’re still splitting the data by panel and group, only to not do anything with it.

Therefore, the appropriate extension point is actually $compute_layer() - you return the data as soon as you receive it, without forwarding the data to $compute_panel() and $compute_group(). Indeed, that’s how StatIdentity is actually implemented.

   [1] "aesthetics"      "compute_group"   "compute_panel"   "default_aes"    
   [5] "extra_params"    "finish_layer"    "non_missing_aes" "optional_aes"   
   [9] "parameters"      "required_aes"    "retransform"     "setup_data"     
  [13] "setup_params"   
  [1] "compute_layer"
  function (self, data, params, layout) 
  <bytecode: 0x000002e4a4084350>
  <environment: namespace:ggplot2>

A second reason is that sometimes you need to do calculations at the panel level, not the group level. This is the case for StatUnique. It’s an uncommon stat that’s mainly used to deal with overplotted text by removing duplicates in the dataframe representation of the layer.5

It’s subtle (you need to zoom in to the plots to see), but there’s a difference in quality between overlapping text on the left (with the StatIdentity default) versus the solution on the right with StatUnique.

tibble(x = rep(1, 50), y = x) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x, y)) +
    aes(label = "Some Text"),
    size = 25, fontface = "bold",
    stat = StatIdentity #< default

tibble(x = rep(1, 50), y = x) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x, y)) +
    aes(label = "Some Text"),
    size = 25, fontface = "bold",
    stat = StatUnique

Zoomed in to the letter "S" from the two plots.

Figure 1: Zoomed in to the letter “S” from the two plots.

You might think that StatUnique$compute_layer() is returning unique(data) at the layer level, but consider this behavior of StatUnique:

tibble(x = rep(1, 50), y = rep(1, 50),
       g = rep_len(LETTERS[1:4], 50)) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x, y)) +
    aes(label = "Some Text"),
    size = 10, fontface = "bold",
    stat = StatUnique
  ) +
  facet_wrap(~ g)

We see that StatUnique doesn’t remove just any data point duplicates - it removes duplicates within each facet. Thus, unique(data) is implemented inside StatUnique$compute_panel(), which is more in line with the goal of preventing visually overlapping text.

   [1] "aesthetics"      "compute_group"   "compute_layer"   "default_aes"    
   [5] "extra_params"    "finish_layer"    "non_missing_aes" "optional_aes"   
   [9] "parameters"      "required_aes"    "retransform"     "setup_data"     
  [13] "setup_params"   
  [1] "compute_panel"
  function (data, scales) 
  <bytecode: 0x000002e4a28c4838>
  <environment: namespace:ggplot2>

Lastly, there are rare cases of where you’d want to extend multiple $compute_*() methods at once. For example, StatYdensity is used by geom_violin() to calculate the size and shape of violins, and it extends both $compute_panel() and $compute_group():

class( geom_violin()$stat )
  [1] "StatYdensity" "Stat"         "ggproto"      "gg"
  [1] "aesthetics"    "compute_layer" "default_aes"   "finish_layer" 
  [5] "optional_aes"  "parameters"    "retransform"   "setup_data"   
  [1] "compute_group"   "compute_panel"   "extra_params"    "non_missing_aes"
  [5] "required_aes"    "setup_params"

This is done to create an effect where densities are calculated per group, and then scaled within each facet. Note how violin areas are equal within a facet but not across facets.6


In Part 1, we were introduced to this idea of there being a data frame representation for each layer, which gets updated and augmented over the course of rendering a ggplot. We saw how one of the changes to the layer data is the statistical transformation whereby new variables like count are computed internally and become available for delayed aesthetic mapping using after_stat(). We saw how this statistical transformation step isn’t as scary as it looks - it looked like a standard data wrangling procedure that we could express with group_by() and summarize().

The goal of Part 2 was to expose the exact details of the statistical transformation step. We had our first encounter with ggproto methods which we can think of as data wrangling functions that live inside lists. We saw how a family of $compute_*() methods called by-layer, by-facet, and by-group implement a split-apply-combine process much like the group_by() + summarize() combo. We also learned that the motivation behind this odd-looking ggproto system is to support an extension mechanism that allows us to subclass new Stat* and Geom* ggprotos that define their own custom behavior for a method like $compute_group().

Sorry if Part 2 was a bit too theoretical! In Part 3, we’ll leave this whole ggproto thing behind to talk about after_scale() and stage(), two more delayed aes eval functions.

Sneak peak of Part 3

I’ll leave you with two examples as a teaser:

Example 1: after_scale() is like after_stat(), but targets the data after the (non-positional) scale transformation step, which happens towards the end of the build pipeline:

p_boxplot <- penguins %>% 
  filter(! %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = species, y = flipper_length_mm, fill = species)) +
    aes(color = after_scale(darken(fill, .5))),
    width = .4
  ) +

Example 2: stage() allows you to re-map to the same aesthetic using variables from different points in the build pipeline.

# Generates warning in v3.3.6; fixed in dev version (PR #4707)
p_boxplot +
    aes(y = stage(flipper_length_mm, c(lower, middle, upper)),
        label = after_stat(c(lower, middle, upper)),
        color = after_scale(darken(fill, .8))),
    size = 4, hjust = 1,
    position = position_nudge(x = .5),
    stat = StatBoxplot
  ) +

A taste of writing ggproto extensions

Though writing ggproto extensions is beyond the scope of this blog series,7 we’re now well prepared for it after working through the logic of how the top-level template Stat ggproto gets extended in child Stat* ggprotos like StatCount. All that’s missing is the syntax that implements this (that’s usually the easy part!).

Just to give you a taste without going into it too deep, this is an example stat extension inspired by Gina Reynolds that calculates an internal variable called rowid inside $compute_layer() and also sets a default aesthetic mapping of label = after_stat(rowid) in $default_aes:

StatRowID <- ggplot2::ggproto(
  # Create a new ggproto of class "StatRowID"
  `_class` = "StatRowID",
  # That inherits from the top-level `Stat` ggproto
  `_inherit` = Stat,
  # Extension point: add a `rowid` column to the data at layer-level
  compute_layer = function(self, data, params, layout) {
    data$rowid <- seq_len(nrow(data))
  # Extension point: map the computed `rowid` variable to `label`
  default_aes = aes(label = after_stat(rowid))

tibble(x = runif(20), y = runif(20), g = rep(c("A", "B"), each = 10)) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x, y, fill = g)) +
  geom_label(stat = StatRowID) # or "RowID"

If we wanted row IDs to be calculated by group, we simply move the computation to $compute_group()

StatRowIDbyGroup <- ggplot2::ggproto(
  `_class` = "StatRowIDbyGroup",
  `_inherit` = Stat,
  default_aes = aes(label = after_stat(rowid)),
  # Extend `compute_group` instead of `compute_layer`
  compute_group = function(self, data, scales) {
    data$rowid <- seq_len(nrow(data))

tibble(x = runif(20), y = runif(20), g = rep(c("A", "B"), each = 10)) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x, y, fill = g)) +
  geom_label(stat = StatRowIDbyGroup) # or "RowIDbyGroup"

If the sensible use of statRowIDbyGroup is for it to be paired with the label geom, then we write a layer function (also called a constructor function) that wraps around ggplot2::layer(). Inside stat_rowid(), we hard code stat = StatRowIDbyGroup and expose the geom = "label" default argument to the user:

stat_rowid <- function(mapping = NULL, data = NULL,
                       geom = "label", position = "identity",
                       ..., na.rm = FALSE, show.legend = NA, inherit.aes = TRUE) {
    # All layers need data and aesthetic mappings
    data = data, mapping = mapping,
    # The layer's choice of Stat, Geom, and Position
    stat = StatRowIDbyGroup, geom = geom, position = position,
    # Standard parameters available for all `layer()`s (there are more)
    show.legend = show.legend, inherit.aes = inherit.aes,
    # Arguments to be passed down to Stat/Geom/Position
    params = list(na.rm = na.rm, ...)

tibble(x = runif(20), y = runif(20), g = rep(c("A", "B"), each = 10)) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x, y, fill = g)) +

By following these design principles, you get a lot of features for free, like the ability to swap out the geom and map the internally calculated rowid variable elsewhere via after_stat():

tibble(x = runif(20), y = runif(20), g = rep(c("A", "B"), each = 10)) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x, y, color = g)) +
      size = after_stat(rowid),
      alpha = after_stat(rowid/max(rowid))
    geom = "text"

If you’re feeling ambitious, I highly recommend starting with Thomas Lin Pedersen’s rstudio::conf talk. Good luck!

  1. Technically, it was returning the output of ggplot2:::Layer$compute_statistic() which returns the $compute_layer() method called by the layer’s stat. But we don’t need to worry about this distinction for this blog post.↩︎

  2. Missing columns get added back in when $compute_panel() combines the output of $compute_group() calls.↩︎

  3. For example, one big difference is that parameters are passed in as a list to the params argument of compute_layer(), which is then spliced and passed in as the ... of compute_panel() through↩︎

  4. It’s actually optional and only available if the method specifies an argument called self. As long as it’s present in the formals, it can appear in any position. The convention is to define all ggproto methods with self as the first argument.↩︎

  5. An alternative solution that I personally prefer is annotate(geom = "text", ..).↩︎

  6. I’m not sure about the rationale for this, and people have brought up wanting to change this default. Given everything we’ve discussed so far, we don’t have to read the source code to know that if you want all violins in the layer to have the same size, we should move the calculations in $compute_panel() to $compute_layer() instead.↩︎

  7. Other resources exist for that (in fact, most resources on learning the internals focus on writing extensions). Chapter 20 and 21 of the ggplot2 book is a good place to start.↩︎