Get information about ggproto methods
get_method(method, inherit = FALSE)
get_method_inheritance(obj, trim_overriden = TRUE)
ggbody(method, inherit = FALSE, as.list = TRUE)
ggformals(method, inherit = FALSE)
- method
A function or a ggproto method. The ggproto method may be specified using any of the following forms:
- inherit
Whether the method should be searched from its closest parent. Defaults to
, returns the parent's method and the correspondingggbody()
code as a message.- obj
A ggproto object
- trim_overriden
should recursively hide methods defined by a parent.- as.list
should return the body of the method as a list. Defaults toTRUE
returns the method.get_method_inheritance()
lists available methods from self and parent ggprotos.ggbody()
returns the body of the method.ggformals()
returns the formals of the method.
calls get("method", ggproto)
under the hood.
The get("method", ggproto)
syntax is the long form of ggproto$method
which retrieves
the actual function body. This is a subtle but important difference for inspecting ggproto methods.
For example, this works:
debugonce(get("compute_group", StatCount))
But this fails to insert a break point:
was designed so that you do not have to worry about this distinction.
If a method is being traced via
will return the current modified state of the method. As of v0.3.5, callingget_method()
on a method that has a trace on it will return a warning to emphasize this fact.When using
inherit = TRUE
, make sure that all ggproto objects fromclass(ggproto)
are available (by loading the packages where they are defined, for example). Under the hood,get_method()
loops through the parents to search for the method, so it needs to be able to evaluate each element ofclass(ggproto)
as an object.
# Uninformative
#> <ggproto method>
#> <Wrapper function>
#> function (...)
#> compute_group(..., self = self)
#> <Inner function (f)>
#> function (self, data, scales, width = NULL, flipped_aes = FALSE)
#> {
#> data <- flip_data(data, flipped_aes)
#> x <- data$x
#> weight <- data$weight %||% rep(1, length(x))
#> count <- as.vector(rowsum(weight, x, na.rm = TRUE))
#> bars <- data_frame0(count = count, prop = count/sum(abs(count)),
#> x = sort(unique0(x)), width = width, flipped_aes = flipped_aes,
#> .size = length(count))
#> flip_data(bars, flipped_aes)
#> }
#> $...
#> compute_group(..., self = self)
# Errors
# get(StatCount$compute_group)
# Informative
#> function (self, data, scales, width = NULL, flipped_aes = FALSE)
#> {
#> data <- flip_data(data, flipped_aes)
#> x <- data$x
#> weight <- data$weight %||% rep(1, length(x))
#> count <- as.vector(rowsum(weight, x, na.rm = TRUE))
#> bars <- data_frame0(count = count, prop = count/sum(abs(count)),
#> x = sort(unique0(x)), width = width, flipped_aes = flipped_aes,
#> .size = length(count))
#> flip_data(bars, flipped_aes)
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x00000137490325f8>
#> <environment: namespace:ggplot2>
ggformals(StatCount$compute_group) # formals(get_method(StatCount$compute_group))
#> $self
#> $data
#> $scales
#> $width
#> $flipped_aes
#> [1] FALSE
ggbody(StatCount$compute_group) # body(get_method(StatCount$compute_group))
#> [[1]]
#> `{`
#> [[2]]
#> data <- flip_data(data, flipped_aes)
#> [[3]]
#> x <- data$x
#> [[4]]
#> weight <- data$weight %||% rep(1, length(x))
#> [[5]]
#> count <- as.vector(rowsum(weight, x, na.rm = TRUE))
#> [[6]]
#> bars <- data_frame0(count = count, prop = count/sum(abs(count)),
#> x = sort(unique0(x)), width = width, flipped_aes = flipped_aes,
#> .size = length(count))
#> [[7]]
#> flip_data(bars, flipped_aes)
# Works for ggproto in extension packages
#> [[1]]
#> `{`
#> [[2]]
#> if (any(duplicated(data[, c("x", "y")]))) {
#> cli::cli_warn("{.fn {snake_class(self)}} is dropping duplicated points")
#> }
#> [[3]]
#> if (normalize) {
#> x_range <- range(data$x, na.rm = TRUE, finite = TRUE)
#> y_range <- range(data$y, na.rm = TRUE, finite = TRUE)
#> data$x <- rescale(data$x, from = x_range) * asp.ratio
#> data$y <- rescale(data$y, from = y_range)
#> if (!is.null(bound)) {
#> bound[1:2] <- rescale(bound[1:2], from = x_range) * asp.ratio
#> bound[3:4] <- rescale(bound[3:4], from = x_range)
#> }
#> }
#> [[4]]
#> vor <- deldir::deldir(data$x, data$y, rw = bound, eps = eps,
#> suppressMsge = TRUE)
#> [[5]]
#> segments <- vor$delsgs[, 1:5]
#> [[6]]
#> names(segments) <- c("x", "y", "xend", "yend", "group")
#> [[7]]
#> segments$group <- vor$ind.orig[segments$group]
#> [[8]]
#> data <- cbind(segments[, 1:4], data[segments$group, !names(data) %in%
#> c("x", "y"), drop = FALSE])
#> [[9]]
#> if (normalize) {
#> data$x <- rescale(data$x/asp.ratio, to = x_range, from = c(0,
#> 1))
#> data$xend <- rescale(data$xend/asp.ratio, to = x_range, from = c(0,
#> 1))
#> data$y <- rescale(data$y, to = y_range, from = c(0, 1))
#> data$yend <- rescale(data$yend, to = y_range, from = c(0,
#> 1))
#> }
#> [[10]]
#> data
#> [[1]]
#> `{`
#> [[2]]
#> if (empty_data(data)) return(data)
#> [[3]]
#> nControls <- table(data$group)
#> [[4]]
#> controlRange <- range(nControls)
#> [[5]]
#> if (min(controlRange) < 3 || max(controlRange) > 4) {
#> cli::cli_abort(c("Only support for quadratic and cubic beziers",
#> i = "Make sure each group consists of 3 or 4 rows"))
#> }
#> [[6]]
#> data <- data[order(data$group), ]
#> [[7]]
#> groups <- unique0(data$group)
#> [[8]]
#> paths <- getBeziers(data$x, data$y, match(data$group, groups),
#> n)
#> [[9]]
#> paths <- data_frame0(x = paths$paths[, 1], y = paths$paths[,
#> 2], group = groups[paths$pathID])
#> [[10]]
#> paths$index <- rep(seq(0, 1, length.out = n), length(nControls))
#> [[11]]
#> dataIndex <- rep(match(unique0(data$group), data$group), each = n)
#> [[12]]
#> cbind(paths, data[dataIndex, !names(data) %in% c("x", "y", "group"),
#> drop = FALSE])
# `inherit = TRUE` will return the method from the closest parent
## get_method(StatBoxplot$compute_panel)
## ggbody(StatBoxplot$compute_panel)
## ggformals(StatBoxplot$compute_panel)
ggbody(StatBoxplot$compute_panel, inherit = TRUE)
#> Method inherited from `Stat$compute_panel`
#> [[1]]
#> `{`
#> [[2]]
#> if (empty(data)) return(data_frame0())
#> [[3]]
#> groups <- split(data, data$group)
#> [[4]]
#> stats <- lapply(groups, function(group) {
#> self$compute_group(data = group, scales = scales, ...)
#> })
#> [[5]]
#> non_constant_columns <- character(0)
#> [[6]]
#> stats <- mapply(function(new, old) {
#> if (empty(new))
#> return(data_frame0())
#> old <- old[, !(names(old) %in% names(new)), drop = FALSE]
#> non_constant <- vapply(old, vec_unique_count, integer(1)) >
#> 1L
#> non_constant_columns <<- c(non_constant_columns, names(old)[non_constant])
#> vec_cbind(new, old[rep(1, nrow(new)), , drop = FALSE])
#> }, stats, groups, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
#> [[7]]
#> non_constant_columns <- unique0(non_constant_columns)
#> [[8]]
#> dropped <- non_constant_columns[!non_constant_columns %in% self$dropped_aes]
#> [[9]]
#> if (length(dropped) > 0) {
#> cli::cli_warn(c("The following aesthetics were dropped during statistical transformation: {.field {dropped}}.",
#> i = "This can happen when ggplot fails to infer the correct grouping structure in the data.",
#> i = "Did you forget to specify a {.code group} aesthetic or to convert a numerical variable into a factor?"))
#> }
#> [[10]]
#> data_new <- vec_rbind0(!!!stats)
#> [[11]]
#> data_new[, !names(data_new) %in% non_constant_columns, drop = FALSE]
#> [[1]]
#> `{`
#> [[2]]
#> if (empty(data)) return(data_frame0())
#> [[3]]
#> groups <- split(data, data$group)
#> [[4]]
#> stats <- lapply(groups, function(group) {
#> self$compute_group(data = group, scales = scales, ...)
#> })
#> [[5]]
#> non_constant_columns <- character(0)
#> [[6]]
#> stats <- mapply(function(new, old) {
#> if (empty(new))
#> return(data_frame0())
#> old <- old[, !(names(old) %in% names(new)), drop = FALSE]
#> non_constant <- vapply(old, vec_unique_count, integer(1)) >
#> 1L
#> non_constant_columns <<- c(non_constant_columns, names(old)[non_constant])
#> vec_cbind(new, old[rep(1, nrow(new)), , drop = FALSE])
#> }, stats, groups, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
#> [[7]]
#> non_constant_columns <- unique0(non_constant_columns)
#> [[8]]
#> dropped <- non_constant_columns[!non_constant_columns %in% self$dropped_aes]
#> [[9]]
#> if (length(dropped) > 0) {
#> cli::cli_warn(c("The following aesthetics were dropped during statistical transformation: {.field {dropped}}.",
#> i = "This can happen when ggplot fails to infer the correct grouping structure in the data.",
#> i = "Did you forget to specify a {.code group} aesthetic or to convert a numerical variable into a factor?"))
#> }
#> [[10]]
#> data_new <- vec_rbind0(!!!stats)
#> [[11]]
#> data_new[, !names(data_new) %in% non_constant_columns, drop = FALSE]
# Navigating complex inheritance
#> [1] "GeomArcBar" "GeomShape" "GeomPolygon" "Geom" "ggproto"
#> [6] "gg"
invisible(ggbody(GeomArcBar$default_aes, inherit = TRUE)) # self
#> Method 'default_aes' is defined for `GeomArcBar`, not inherited.
invisible(ggbody(GeomArcBar$draw_panel, inherit = TRUE)) # parent
#> Method inherited from `GeomShape$draw_panel`
invisible(ggbody(GeomArcBar$draw_key, inherit = TRUE)) # grandparent
#> Method inherited from `GeomPolygon$draw_key`
invisible(ggbody(GeomArcBar$draw_group, inherit = TRUE)) # top-level
#> Method inherited from `Geom$draw_group`
# Getting information about method inheritance all at once
# - default `trim_overriden = TRUE` hides redundant methods defined in parent
get_method_inheritance(GeomArcBar, trim_overriden = TRUE)
#> $Geom
#> [1] "aesthetics" "draw_group" "draw_layer" "draw_panel"
#> [5] "extra_params" "non_missing_aes" "optional_aes" "parameters"
#> [9] "setup_data" "setup_params" "use_defaults"
#> $GeomPolygon
#> [1] "default_aes" "draw_key" "handle_na" "rename_size" "required_aes"
#> $GeomShape
#> [1] "draw_panel" "extra_params"
#> $GeomArcBar
#> [1] "default_aes"
# Works for custom ggproto
# - Example from {ggplot2} "Extending ggplot2" vignette
StatDensityCommon <- ggproto("StatDensityCommon", Stat,
required_aes = "x",
setup_params = function(data, params) {
if (!is.null(params$bandwidth))
xs <- split(data$x, data$group)
bws <- vapply(xs, bw.nrd0, numeric(1))
bw <- mean(bws)
message("Picking bandwidth of ", signif(bw, 3))
params$bandwidth <- bw
compute_group = function(data, scales, bandwidth = 1) {
d <- density(data$x, bw = bandwidth)
data.frame(x = d$x, y = d$y)
as.list(body(get("compute_group", StatDensityCommon)))
#> [[1]]
#> `{`
#> [[2]]
#> d <- density(data$x, bw = bandwidth)
#> [[3]]
#> data.frame(x = d$x, y = d$y)
#> [[1]]
#> `{`
#> [[2]]
#> d <- density(data$x, bw = bandwidth)
#> [[3]]
#> data.frame(x = d$x, y = d$y)
# As of v.0.4.0, ggbody works for functions as well
#> [[1]]
#> `{`
#> [[2]]
#> if (length(x) == 1L && is.numeric(x) && is.finite(x) && x >=
#> 1) {
#> if (missing(size))
#> size <- x
#>, size, replace, prob)
#> } else {
#> if (missing(size))
#> size <- length(x)
#> x[, size, replace, prob)]
#> }
ggtrace(sample, 1)
#> `sample` now being traced.
#> Warning: `sample` is currently being traced
#> [1] TRUE
#> `sample` no longer being traced.