Julia GLM.jl and MixedModels.jl based implementation of the cluster-based permutation test for time series data, powered by JuliaConnectoR.
Installation and usage
Zero-setup test drive
As of March 2025, Google Colab supports Julia. This means jlmerclusterperm just works out of the box. Try it out in a demo notebook that runs some of the code from the Ito et al. 2018 case study vignette.
Local setup
Install the released version of jlmerclusterperm from CRAN:
Or install the development version from GitHub with:
# install.packages("remotes")
Using jlmerclusterperm
requires a prior installation of the Julia programming language, which can be downloaded from either the official website or using the command line utility juliaup. Julia version >=1.8 is required and 1.9 or higher is preferred for the substantial speed improvements.
Before using functions from jlmerclusterperm
, an initial setup is required via calling jlmerclusterperm_setup()
. The very first call on a system will install necessary dependencies (this only happens once and takes around 10-15 minutes).
Subsequent calls to jlmerclusterperm_setup()
incur a small overhead of around 30 seconds, plus slight delays for first-time function calls. You pay up front for start-up and warm-up costs and get blazingly-fast functions from the package.
# Both lines must be run at the start of each new session
See the Get Started page on the package website for background and tutorials.
Quick tour of package functionalities
Wholesale CPA with clusterpermute()
A time series data:
chickweights <- ChickWeight
chickweights$Time <- as.integer(factor(chickweights$Time))
tapply(chickweights$weight, chickweights[c("Time", "Diet")], mean),
type = "b", lwd = 3, ylab = "Weight", xlab = "Time"
Preparing a specification object with make_jlmer_spec()
chickweights_spec <- make_jlmer_spec(
formula = weight ~ 1 + Diet,
data = chickweights,
subject = "Chick", time = "Time"
Cluster-based permutation test with clusterpermute()
threshold = 2.5,
nsim = 100
Including random effects:
chickweights_re_spec <- make_jlmer_spec(
formula = weight ~ 1 + Diet + (1 | Chick),
data = chickweights,
subject = "Chick", time = "Time"
threshold = 2.5,
nsim = 100
Piecemeal approach to CPA
Computing time-wise statistics of the observed data:
empirical_statistics <- compute_timewise_statistics(chickweights_spec)
matplot(t(empirical_statistics), type = "b", pch = 1, lwd = 3, ylab = "t-statistic")
abline(h = 2.5, lty = 3)
Identifying empirical clusters:
empirical_clusters <- extract_empirical_clusters(empirical_statistics, threshold = 2.5)
Simulating the null distribution:
null_statistics <- permute_timewise_statistics(chickweights_spec, nsim = 100)
null_cluster_dists <- extract_null_cluster_dists(null_statistics, threshold = 2.5)
Significance testing the cluster-mass statistic:
calculate_clusters_pvalues(empirical_clusters, null_cluster_dists, add1 = TRUE)
Iterating over a range of threshold values:
walk_threshold_steps(empirical_statistics, null_statistics, steps = c(2, 2.5, 3))
The paper Maris & Oostenveld (2007) which originally proposed the cluster-based permutation analysis.
The JuliaConnectoR package for powering the R interface to Julia.
The Julia packages GLM.jl and MixedModels.jl for fast implementations of (mixed effects) regression models.
Existing implementations of CPA in R (permuco, permutes, etc.) whose designs inspired the CPA interface in jlmerclusterperm.
If you use jlmerclusterperm for cluster-based permutation test with mixed-effects models in your research, please cite one (or more) of the following as you see fit.
To cite jlmerclusterperm:
- Choe, J. (2024). jlmerclusterperm: Cluster-Based Permutation Analysis for Densely Sampled Time Data. R package version 1.1.4. 10.32614/CRAN.package.jlmerclusterperm.
To cite the cluster-based permutation test:
- Maris, E., & Oostenveld, R. (2007). Nonparametric statistical testing of EEG- and MEG-data. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 164, 177–190. doi: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2007.03.024.
To cite the Julia programming language:
- Bezanson, J., Edelman, A., Karpinski, S., & Shah, V. B. (2017). Julia: A Fresh Approach to Numerical Computing. SIAM Review, 59(1), 65–98. doi: 10.1137/141000671.
To cite the GLM.jl and MixedModels.jl Julia libraries, consult their Zenodo pages: