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penngradlings (development version)

penngradlings 0.2.2

New functions

  • fct_derive() to derive levels from another factor with unique pair-wise matches


  • read_pcibex() gains an encoding argument for specifying the file’s character encoding (#18)
  • theme_pgl_minimal() has been re-written to scale better, default value for base_size changed to 12

penngradlings 0.2.1

New functions


  • read_pcibex() gains an encoding argument for specifying the file’s character encoding.
  • ggsave_auto() supports auto rendering of grobs

penngradlings 0.2.0

New functions

  • scale_color/fill_pgl_discrete()


  • Overhaul of pgl_pals(). It’s now a function factory

penngradlings 0.1.1

New functions

  • name_self() list-constructor function, mostly to help with naming multiple columns when passing a list of functions to dplyr::across().

  • read_pcibex() for reading in the results from a PCIbex experiment.


  • You can now set global options for ggsave_auto() with options(ggsave_auto.*). The package now also comes with an RStudio addin for calling ggsave_auto() (one possible keyboard binding is Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+G, which overwrites the “Find Previous” shortcut).

  • theme_pgl_minimal() gets strip.placement = outside to hack margins into the space between facet and panel with a blank secondary axis.

penngradlings 0.1.0

First release.

New functions

  • The package packs 8 open source font families: Atkinson Hyperlegible, Bootstrap Icons, Charis SIL, Font Awesome 5 Free, Inter, Material Icons, Piazzolla, Piazzolla SC. Fonts are automatically registered on package load. See .pgl_fonts() for details.
  • A font_*() family of helper functions for inspecting, registering, and shaping fonts - font_hoist(), font_pluck(), font_info(), font_exists(), and font_path().
  • theme_pgl_basic(), a low-ink theme design built on top of ggplot2::theme_minimal(), with options for turning on/off axis and grid lines.
  • ggsave_auto(), a wrapper around ggplot2::ggsave() offering convenience for interactive plotting. Accumulates all plots rendered with the function in a separate ./ggsave_auto directory and opens the saved figure back using the system’s default photo-viewing app. Includes option for reading the saved figure back as a {magick} object.