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Wrapper around ggplot2::ggsave() that renders the last ggplot/grob as an image to a special folder and opens it using the system's default app for the graphic type.


ggsave_auto(..., load_as_magick = FALSE)



Passed to ggplot2::ggsave(), overriding path and filename.


Whether to show information about the saved plot and invisibly return an ImageMagick object of the plot for post-processing. Defaults to FALSE.


A magick object or path to the saved plot.


Creates a folder /.ggsave_auto in the working directory where figures are saved with zero-padding to 3 digits (e.g., ggsave_auto-001.png). Appends .ggsave_auto to a .gitignore file if it exists.

Global params can be set through options(), with the argument name followed by pgl.ggsave_auto. such as options(pgl.ggsave_auto.width = 7).